This page will locate any United States Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Sites located within 50 miles of your input location.
Note: Input addresses are not saved.

Project Description

This project started with an API call to the US Environemental Protection Agency (EPA) database on Superfund Site locations. Data were then cleaned and cutdown to relevant inforamtion using Pandas, and then expoted into a CSV file. The API call process is lenghty (upwards of 10 minutes), so the script running this page does not perform the call every time, rather it references the aformentioned CSV file.

The user inputs their address, which is then contatenated into a string that is readable by the Geopy Python module, which locates the latitude and longitude coordinates associated with the user input address. The Superfund site CSV file is read into a Pandas Dataframe, which containes the latitude and longitude for each Site. Geopy is used again the calculate the distance between each Superfund Site and the user input address.

Again using Pandas, a list of sites names within 50 miles is returned, along with their corresponding URL and distance from the user input address. The results are displayed on a new HTML page.

For more information on the EPA Superfund program, visit following link:

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